The romanian post-communist condition between self-historicization and post-colonial narratives
- Ana-Daniela Sultana
Abstract (DE)
In the context of recent Eastern European narratives, the post-communist condition plays an essential role not only in art history, but also in the way art history is produced by being curated. Based on two case studies, Lia Perjovschi's "Contemporary Art Archive" and "Mapping Bucharest" exhibition in the framework of Vienna Biennale 2015, this master's thesis aims to reflect upon the question: how is the Romanian post-communist condition presented from withi n and from outside the Romanian contemporary art system? When it comes to curating the Romanian post-communist condition, which is marked by the recovery of memory, the rehabilitation of Romanian identity by invoking Brancui and the orientation towards the future, one has by all means to consider thematising the Romanian Revolution of December 1989.
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- Raum 2 108780; I/E